We took off Wednesday the 23rd to head for Happy. We stayed Wednesday night in
Wichitafalls, TX.

As we headed out for Happy - we saw a sign - a rainbow - a reminder of Gods promise. To the Southwest a category 2 hurricane was crossing South Padre Island (see earlier post).

A beautiful sunset!

Thursday I drove and J worked. Here's the evidence!

Happy - Home

Meeting barn

Kitchen/dining - (Daryl - you recognize this man??)
Kasia's parents

Murray and Gina

Where the meeting tent use to be. - Now a nice shady playground.

Jeff doing what he does quite well - talking :)

Heading out - Christopher and Alex joined us for the drive home.

The town of Happy. Very destitute - the first of many "ghost" towns.

Another "ghost town" - this one appears to be on the rise - several
rehabbed buildings and two "old" gas stations.

Stopping to see the Canyons!!! C and A emptied the car of garbage! Great passengers.

Texas does have canyons!!!

We saw tons of
abandoned houses both on our way to Happy and home. I am wondering if it is due to the crash in the 20's. Maybe the occupants left the houses and by the time anyone wanted to live in them, they were to far gone.

We saw lots of these - someone is getting wealthy - look at those tanks!!!

Our passengers :) We must officially be "boring married folk"!

And there are mountains in TX! Who said Texas was flat? They must not have taken our route.
We made it home safe 11:30PM and left again Tuesday for Lake Charles, LA.
1 comment:
Great pics of the convention grounds and the little town. Would you mind if I borrowed a few of your pictures to post on my blog of our trip? Unfortunately, though I had my camera, I never took any pictures. I won't post until I hear from you. Thanks!
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