Monday, July 21, 2008

When the cats go away the mice come out to play!

Jeff was gone all last week. He had to go to LA to inspect some ships and while he was there he visited his family. I thought I would get a ton of stuff done around the house. I had a huge list. Well....needless to say I got more done that wasn't on the list!
Tuesday I invited some ladies for lunch - this is a photo of those who showed up. Our theme was "salads". There were just as many children as adults.

Wednesday was retail therapy with my neighbor Allison - We went to the mall in Sugarland. Macy's was well inspected before we broke for lunch at Lupe's for fajitas.

Thursday I went with Gina B to look at a Model Home Village. There were 30 homes and I think we made it through 10 or so! Here are the photos. The decorating was very interesting.Telephone RoomScreened Deck - A necessity down here!An interesting way to let in light! Jeff and I saw windows in the side of the house a while back and were trying to figure out what room they were in - now we know :)Gina. Check out the curtains and paintings in the back ground. There were a couple homes that had brickwork (the arch) as accents. Playroom - paintingsBedroom - the kids bedrooms were really well done. I thought of my nieces and nephews.

After lunch Gina and I went to the "Enchanted Forest" a nursery. They also have another nursery named "Enchanted Garden". They have a great reputation and only carry plants that survive our weather. I don't know many of these plants but they were beautiful!

When I took Gina back home she had a birthday package. And Toby was happy to see us.
Well.....I did actually get something on that list done! Here's the evidence: I hung up "stuff"!

We love our plants. I just had to take photos of them again! If you compare them with previous photos you will see how fast they grow! I also had to throw in a close up of our crape myrtle.



Tahitian Gardenia

My sleepy looking husband - busy working on reports after 5!

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