Thursday (the 25th) night about 8:30 I decided to take Lola out for a walk and drop off a birthday gift at a neighbors. As Lola and I approached the friends we were greeted by a wild ball of fur: Ceci - our neighbors little puppy. I noticed our neighbors were gone - presumably to celebrate Melissa's birthday. I tied Lola up and took Ceci to Chris and Allison's (another neighbor). I knew their Daisy (for photos see earlier post) plays with Ceci and they had a little kennel to keep Ceci safe in. Once Ceci was safe - Lola and I resumed our walk. She did her business and I cleaned up after her. In the process I was bit 9 times by fire ants. Mind you, it was dark and I couldn't see where I was stepping. Lola and I walked back to the house. I was getting itchy so I asked Allison for some Benadryl and went home to take a soda bath. Within 10 minutes I was so covered in hives I began to panic and started yelling for Jeff. We quickly discussed taking another benadryl when I realized my hives were rapidly becoming one and that my ears were swelling shut - or it felt that way. We decided on the ER room. My sweet husband safely disobeyed a few traffic lights and it is a good thing he did! I went into acute anaphylactic shock. - We arrived at the ER room just in time. I didn't quit breathing but I was having a very hard time. For those of you who haven't been bit by a fire ant - here is a photo.

If you look VERY closely you will find 9 bites. The two smallest bites are very close to larger ones. I have been told that American Indians used fire ants to torture enemies. They wouldn't have had much fun with me!
All is well now. I have been on Prednisone for a few days and have a few more days to go. Fortunately I don't see any side affects. I do have to see a specialist per the ER doctors recommendations and carry an Epi-pen with me all the time.
The title of this blog says that the night began and ended with Dogs. Well, when we got home at 3AM a different neighbors dog was loose. Jeff had to chase him down and put him in their backyard. What a night - It began and ended with Dogs!
1 comment:
Oh my word! I'm just catching up on reading blogs. I'm so sorry to hear about your fire ant incident, but I'm happy to know that you are okay now. What a terrible experience! Those fire ants are awful!
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